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      My number one priority as Governor is to protect the people.  Civil defense covers many things.  I am opposed to any Legislation that inhibits or restricts the 2nd Amendment, and that includes Senate Bill 554, that was passed in March of this year. 
      As Governor, I will work with the Department of Defense, FEMA, Homeland Security and Oregon law enforcement, to secure safe neighborhoods and civil defense to establish secondary supply lines and evacuation routes. I will work to expand our Coast Guard coverage for the great Republic of Oregon.  
     The economy is also part of our security.  I will work to assist small businesses by developing low interest loans and lowering the annual minimal threshold required to access lottery funds, from $1,000,000 annual gross receipts to $100,000.  I will work to lower the corporate tax rate to entice industry and increase jobs.  I will create public service projects to employ the homeless and find ways to create more income and housing opportunities for these individuals by utilizing a portion of our state’s $500,000,000 surplus.  I will work to return to taxpayers excessive taxes in the form of kicker checks.  I will work to pass legislation to protect our economy from outsourcing jobs, giving job preference to Oregonians over foreign applicants.  
     I plan to strengthen Oregon with immigration reform and enforcement; preference will be given to green card holders for citizenship over illegal aliens.  I would remove automatic enrollment voter registration at agencies such as the DMV.  I will work to reestablish the Australian ballot, and to minimize absentee ballots, in order to reduce some of the fraud in Oregon’s elections.

     Children are Our Future and Investing in Children is an Investment in Our Future!  Our public schools are failing.  Questioning children’s gender is problematic and unethical. Should a question arise, it should be handled by the parents, not schools.  Parents have a right to know the curriculum of their children; this should be published online by each teacher.  Children do not belong to the state, or the schools.  Parents and children have a Security Liberty Interest.  I oppose the lowering of standards for graduation that leave graduates ill-prepared for the workforce, leading them to homelessness, substance abuse and a life less than what they could have, were they prepared.  Additionally, I support the lowering of interest rates for students who access government loans to help finance their education.  

     Don’t expect an 8x10 glossy card in the mail with a shiny picture that says nothing of where I stand or what I believe.  

     This country was founded on Christian-Judeo principles.  The Constitution, our laws are based on biblical principles.  Heathens (non-believers) are trying to, and succeeding in, perverting the laws with Marxist/Socialist/Progressive agendas.  

     As Governor, I will work toward restructuring and increasing the Office of Inspector General in order to further investigate the ‘graft and corruption’ in DHS, CPS, child trafficking and big Pharma in Oregon’s mental health industry.  

     Vote for Yourself.  Vote for Your Children.  Vote for Oregon.  Vote Raymond Baldwin for Governor. 

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